About “Zesakhli” Group

Zesakhli company was established in 2009 and is a leader in the construction of complex residential interiors, from the development of interior design projects to the renovation and furnishing of premises.

Our specialization


Our Numbers

✔ The staff consists of more than 700 employees, of which 35 are architect-designers and 22 work producers (superintendents), more than 100 construction teams.

✔ More than 150 design projects are in work at a time, which amounts to more than 19 thousand sq.m.

✔ More than 100 objects are under repair at a time, which amounts to more than 11 thousand sq.m.

✔ More than 200 cubic meters of Italian furniture leave Italy every month.

✔ More than 2500 sq.m. area of ​​own furniture production.

✔ More than 800 partners in Italy and about 300 manufacturers from Russia.

Our Team


AUTHORS ARCHITECTURE | By placing an order for an individual project in our studio, you will get an architectural approach to the formation of the living space, not a standard exterior, the shape and configuration of the planning solution.

TECHNOLOGIES | With the help of BIM design technology, a building object is designed as a whole structure. Changing one of the parameters entails changing all the related ones, which simplifies work and increases control on it. As a result, you will save a significant amount of time and money needed for construction.

ARCHITECTURAL SUPPORT | Lead architect supervises the implementation of the project and is responsible for the result at all stages of construction and design. So, you do not need to worry about deadlines, issues and the quality of work.

MODERN STYLE | The style of your new home will combine global trends in innovative developments, modern engineering and design solutions. All presented above is to achieve the proportions between aesthetics and comfort.

GREAT ATTENTION IS PAID TO THE DETAILS | The terms of reference for the future design and construction are formed by collaboration of architectural team and client. All the needs and wishes of the customer are precisely defined, analyzed and discussed. Client gets a kind of space, which is perfect for living, working and will be relevant even after decades.

REASONABLE COST | A wide range of prices for different types of services, ranging from business to premium class. The cost does not exceed 5-10% of the budget of the built house. Price is approved after drawing up the technical specification and depends on the area, complexity and time spent on implementation.

Diplomas and Certificates


ООО «Фундамент»

ОГРН: 1227700609773, ИНН: 7730287856, КПП: 773001001

ОКПО: 06663478, ОКАТО: 45268554000, ОКПО: 06663478

Адрес: 119049, г.Москва, ул.Мытная, д.7, стр.1

Р/с №40702810400000261613 в АО «Райффайзенбанк», К/с: 30101810200000000700,

БИК: 044525700

Do you still have questions?

(555) 555-5555

123 Demo Street
New York, NY 12345